Saturday, June 18, 2011

And.....after 77 days of being apart, USS LASSEN finally returned to homeport in Yokosuka!! 

I was so excited for homecoming.  That was the longest since 2005-2006 that we were apart.  It was totally worth it.  The FRG board members got to go down to the Mess Decks to meet the Sailors, but before I got to see Kendall there...I saw him here...

Ok, I know you can't tell which one is him, but thats the beauty of being completely in love with someone, you can spot them from a mile away.  I saw him as soon as he stepped on the brow. <3 

And finally, after 77 days.....

The moment every military wife longs for as soon as she even HEARS the word "deployment"....the moment she gets her love back.  It was well worth the wait. 

We got a week with him before he left again, lol.  7 days seems like crap after 77...but I'll take everything I can get. We had a great time though while he was home.  He took leave for a few days, so no work at all. We just did whatever we wanted to do, took the kids to the playground, went bowling, put a TV up in Dylan's room, etc.  It was so nice, just being a family again.  Not being second fiddle to the Navy. 

But like I said, now he's gone again. 

Know what makes a good Navy wife?  It's not her courage, or her strength.  It's her ability to hear that he's leaving so soon after getting home, to bitch for 5 minutes, but then she puts on a brave face and deals with it.  Which is basically what I had to do.  Once again, I'm just ready to have him back home.