Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Welcome home Sailor boy!

My apologies for not updating lately, especially about Betty, but...MY HUSBAND IS HOME!  He has been home for about a week now, so we've been spending our spare time together as a family because he won't be home long.  In fact, thanks to a certain typhoon that is headed our way, they may be leaving sooner than planned.  Boo. 

Homecoming day took forever to get here and of course, it seemed to crawl.  I made the mistake of telling our daughter that Daddy was coming home, and I can't tell you how many time I caught her trying to sneak out of the house.  Thank God for chain locks.

Here they are pulling in and getting everything secured.  Which takes...FOREVER.

When Kaylee saw him coming down the brow she was all smiles, so excited to see him. They got home super late, and needless to say, getting her to go to sleep was almost a no-go.  It was great to see him! It's funny how the "absence makes the heart grow fonder" saying is just so true.

We missed him so much, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get to keep him home for a while longer.

Especially me...a husband and wife shouldn't be separated so much ya know!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Life and a 'Betty' update

This past week has just been terrible.  First, we get sick.  Second, my husband is STILL away.  Third, the Alabama Crimson Tide SOUTH CAROLINA?!  And forth, the Cowboys lost to the Titans. 


But it'll get better!!  I've got a to-do list that's a mile long and to be honest, I couldn't be more thrilled.  Yes, you guessed it, my husbands "homecoming" is coming up.  Obviously that's all I've got to say on the subject (I am a lover of OPSEC you know), but I'm excited!  I feel like he's been gone for a year, haha.  The kids are ready to see him, I'm ready to see him!  

I've also been working out to a little P90 for a while now.  I won't lie, it's killing me.  I have been sore in places I didn't know could get sore.  The day after I did the leg thing...I almost couldn't walk, it was terrible! However...I went from 115 to 105!!  I haven't weighed 105 since a few months after my daughter was born. I've been working out, eating better, I knocked myself down to 1 Mtn Dew a day (believe me, for me...that's saying something), and I'm sure the stress of being a "single mom" has helped with me losing weight as well, haha!  I'm seriously hoping my scale just isn't broken though.  What a freaking kill-joy that would be.  When I lost the first 5 pounds, I REALLY buckled down and TRIED to get back in shape.  I was always a fit person before my kids.  I was a cheerleader for most of my "youth", I never had to watch what I ate, never had to lose any weight...I really needed to gain it, but since my son was born especially, it's been so hard for me to get myself back where I want.  I'm not doing this for anyone but me, I want to feel comfortable with myself again.  Okay...okay...SOME of it is for my husband.  Not that he's EVER said I wasn't beautiful or that I needed to lose weight...but I do want sexy wife to come back out next summer, haha! 

Anyway...on to Betty.

She's lookin' good folks.  Frankly I'm shocked, but hey...I must be doing something right?! 

There were a few days I thought I was killing her, but she perked back up.  Apparently they really DO wilt fast in the sunlight, so I've learned to be more careful about how long she's sitting in direct sunlight. And the internet says to make sure the soil is moist, but not to water more than twice a that's been kinda touch and go, but I'm learning. I'd love to have a house full of plants and pretty flowers, so I'm really hoping I can keep this thing alive.  It's kinda like your parents buying you a goldfish with the promise of a puppy if you can keep the fish alive. Maybe next I'll graduate to some lilies!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Hello, my name is Haley, and  I am a 24 year old plant killer.

Okay...I'm starting a "project" I guess you could call it, a "side blog".  I have never had a green thumb, but I do have a love for flowers and plants.  The longest I kept a plant alive was for 5 months, a bamboo plant (my apologies to the Asian community for killing one of your beloved plants), but I have decided NO MORE!

I bought some Begonia's today, for $7.50 at our commissary.  I am determined to keep it alive and well.  I've done my research, I know what the plant likes and dislikes, what it needs and what it doesn' on and so forth.  So now we'll see if I'm really a plant killer or if anything with roots just hates me.  

Every Monday I will take a new picture of the plant.  We will call her "Betty" after a character on White Christmas, one of my favorite movies.  I figure, if that movie has a happy ending for Betty and Bob (Bing Crosby), my plant-Betty will have a happy ending too. 

Here she is folks...Betty, fresh from the store and in to the home of a, hopefully FORMER, brown-thumber...

Turned out to be an update of sorts

I feel the need to update this thing, but I have nothing to write about.  Sometimes those turn out to be best entries though.  It's getting late, the kids are in bed, I'm sitting here with a glass of wine...and now I'm here.  Typing away about nothingness.

The kids have been exceptionally annoying today.  I know what you're thinking.  There's NO WAY a 3 year old and a 1 year old could ever be annoying!! Of course not. Not ever.  In all reality I think they miss their dad. This is the longest he's been gone since his last deployment, before either of them were born, so it's been an adjustment to them both, especially for my daughter. She is, afterall, a huge Daddy's girl. I mean, they've done great.  Dylan, I think, is still too little to really realize he's gone, but Kaylee does know.  It's actually funny, at our commissary here, they have these...stone pillar thingies...with the ships' names.  Everytime we go past Kendall's she has to go tap it twice and say, "HI DADDDDYYY."  in that sweet little three-year old voice. We've recently started a game too. 

ME: "Who's Daddy's favorite girl?"
Her:  Heheheheheheeeee....."ME!"
ME:  "No, I'M Daddy's favorite girl."
Her: "NO! ME!"  HEheheheheeee
ME: "Alright, you win."
Dylan: "ME."
ME: "No son, your Daddy's favorite BOY!"

I think it helps that we talk about him and play those little games. When he is able to call she'll talk to him, which totally makes her day.

They're just both getting so big.  Kaylee insisted on dressing herself today:

Isn't she just GORGEOUS?!

Notice the lovely shoes she stole from my closet?

Oh to be a three-year old...

And Dylan...well he's just crazy.  The "MINE" phase is in full swing in our house.  Everything from his toys to my car keys belong to him.  What happens when I take said items away, you ask?  He squeals like a little girl.  Yes, that's right, my manly son squeals like a little girl.  He does it so well that my Yoko BFF, Sarah, actually looked at her youngest daughter, called her by her first and middle name, and said no.  You can imagine the laughter that ensued when I said, "No Sarah, that was Dylan."  : )  I will get that on video one of these days, I swear.

Well I think that about wraps up this little blog of updates.  Other than the Alabama Crimson Tide STOMPING Florida this past weekend, I have no new news I can put on the internet anyway. ; )