Monday, October 11, 2010

Life and a 'Betty' update

This past week has just been terrible.  First, we get sick.  Second, my husband is STILL away.  Third, the Alabama Crimson Tide SOUTH CAROLINA?!  And forth, the Cowboys lost to the Titans. 


But it'll get better!!  I've got a to-do list that's a mile long and to be honest, I couldn't be more thrilled.  Yes, you guessed it, my husbands "homecoming" is coming up.  Obviously that's all I've got to say on the subject (I am a lover of OPSEC you know), but I'm excited!  I feel like he's been gone for a year, haha.  The kids are ready to see him, I'm ready to see him!  

I've also been working out to a little P90 for a while now.  I won't lie, it's killing me.  I have been sore in places I didn't know could get sore.  The day after I did the leg thing...I almost couldn't walk, it was terrible! However...I went from 115 to 105!!  I haven't weighed 105 since a few months after my daughter was born. I've been working out, eating better, I knocked myself down to 1 Mtn Dew a day (believe me, for me...that's saying something), and I'm sure the stress of being a "single mom" has helped with me losing weight as well, haha!  I'm seriously hoping my scale just isn't broken though.  What a freaking kill-joy that would be.  When I lost the first 5 pounds, I REALLY buckled down and TRIED to get back in shape.  I was always a fit person before my kids.  I was a cheerleader for most of my "youth", I never had to watch what I ate, never had to lose any weight...I really needed to gain it, but since my son was born especially, it's been so hard for me to get myself back where I want.  I'm not doing this for anyone but me, I want to feel comfortable with myself again.  Okay...okay...SOME of it is for my husband.  Not that he's EVER said I wasn't beautiful or that I needed to lose weight...but I do want sexy wife to come back out next summer, haha! 

Anyway...on to Betty.

She's lookin' good folks.  Frankly I'm shocked, but hey...I must be doing something right?! 

There were a few days I thought I was killing her, but she perked back up.  Apparently they really DO wilt fast in the sunlight, so I've learned to be more careful about how long she's sitting in direct sunlight. And the internet says to make sure the soil is moist, but not to water more than twice a that's been kinda touch and go, but I'm learning. I'd love to have a house full of plants and pretty flowers, so I'm really hoping I can keep this thing alive.  It's kinda like your parents buying you a goldfish with the promise of a puppy if you can keep the fish alive. Maybe next I'll graduate to some lilies!


  1. YAY!!!

    BTW - WOO HOO for P90! That thing KICKS my butt if I'm out of shape!!!! And man.. P90X?? That kicks Tim's butt! LOL

  2. OMG. Lol. I haven't even done anything other than the AB 100 since I got this "wonderful" congestion, but my legs are STILL sore from the plyo thing. It's terrible and awesome at the same time, if that makes sense! ; )

  3. LOL You NEED to see medical hun. That sinus thing is totally going around!!

    And I know what you mean!! The first time I did it, my thighs killed me the next day. Once I worked though it, it wasn't as bad, but man, now you see why I said start with P90 and work up to P90X - Tim does the X, and man, ONE workout can cause him to gain mass...

  4. Oh man, I have heard about that P90X thing. I'm impressed!! My friend Melissa I think was going to try that. Woohoo for the weight loss! You know, I found out my scale was screwed up after I was whining about weight gain the other day. I had weighed myself at my Dad's on their digital and I was 105 (which I like, never budge from unless I'm pregnant). I'm working out and like 3 days later I was like 111 on my scale! I freaked out, thought I was dying of some water retention disease. Ours is the old kind though. So this weekend I got on my Dad's scale again and I was still 105 :P I was going to say, I have been running my ass off (okay, my ass has actually gotten bigger, which was another concern, but I'm more muscular back there now!), pilate-ing myself to death, and to think I had gained that much weight in a few days pissed me off so bad LOL Anyway, funny how we both got working out again at the same time! It's nice to have that "you time".

    I have actually cut back to only 2 cups of coffee per day since working out. I feel more awake now. I think working out and drinking more water is definitely giving me more energy.
