Monday, October 4, 2010


Hello, my name is Haley, and  I am a 24 year old plant killer.

Okay...I'm starting a "project" I guess you could call it, a "side blog".  I have never had a green thumb, but I do have a love for flowers and plants.  The longest I kept a plant alive was for 5 months, a bamboo plant (my apologies to the Asian community for killing one of your beloved plants), but I have decided NO MORE!

I bought some Begonia's today, for $7.50 at our commissary.  I am determined to keep it alive and well.  I've done my research, I know what the plant likes and dislikes, what it needs and what it doesn' on and so forth.  So now we'll see if I'm really a plant killer or if anything with roots just hates me.  

Every Monday I will take a new picture of the plant.  We will call her "Betty" after a character on White Christmas, one of my favorite movies.  I figure, if that movie has a happy ending for Betty and Bob (Bing Crosby), my plant-Betty will have a happy ending too. 

Here she is folks...Betty, fresh from the store and in to the home of a, hopefully FORMER, brown-thumber...

1 comment:

  1. Wooohooo!!! You can dooooo eeeeettt! I am trying to not kill my mums. I didn't do so hot with our veggie garden this year, so i'm trying to redeem myself.
